Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Michaelsons Unite!!!

The first weekend of August always means one thing to me... The Michaelson Family Reunion. This has been historically been my best week of the year. Bold statement? I think not! This is not your typical family reunion you see. It is filled to the brim with some of the funniest people on earth. Even if it wasn't my family, I'd still want to come. The reunion began more than 50 years ago and is the product of my great great grandparent's children, grand children, great grand children, great great grandchildren (that's me), and great great great grandchildren (Kaylie and Connor). To give you an idea of the magnanimous nature of the event let me tell you a funny fact; our reunion is held in a small town called Mayfield (a suburb of the thriving metropolis of Ephraim Utah) and the number of people that attend the reunion is greater than the amount of people that actually live in the town. So it is a weekend of reminiscing, laughing till our sides hurt, history, tears, playing till you pass out, dancing, Old fashioned pictures, eating and eating some more, singing with favorite uncle George, catching up with cousins, and stories that would knock your socks right off. This year I could not have been more ecstatic as I watched my sweet husband and two beautiful babies falling in love with the reunion just as I had. I have only missed the reunion two times in my life; once to have Kaylie, and once to have Connor. It is a treasured part of my life and I plan on attending for the rest of my life. How blessed I feel to have a family that, it seems, was custom built with the sole purpose of making me happy. Here are some highlights of this year's event.

Oh my gosh could there be cuter cousins?


One of my favorite memories of the reunion is watching my beautiful Mom and Aunts working their magic in the kitchen. We all must look our best in our designer aprons.

Ok so some of us had to sneek out Saturday night to curb our Vampire addiction.
Oh and if you look at the corner of this picture you'll see two cute gals. For those of you who don't remember them, they are my ex sister in laws. What are the chances. I havn't seen or heard anything from them since the divorce and boom there we all are at the Wal Mart in Ephiram at midnight. What are the odds? I was totally terrified to see them cause I love them and miss them so much and I didn't want to know if they hated me now that I wasn't Zach's wife, but turns out they were just as sweet, funny, and beautiful as I remembered them. Looking back, I should have fought for custody of them in the divorce. You win this round Peterson.

Ok, How much fun is this? Saturday night brings on boogie fever


Blogger J.C. & Tiana said...

I love the reuion I don't think that jc is quite as excited about it as we are. I guess it takes some time to learn that the reuion is the funniest thing we get to do all year. Georgia did love her first reunion at one month old.

August 14, 2008 at 9:22 AM  
Blogger THE ADAMS said...

I wish my family was that together to be That Together. We do stuff as a family but not that big. That is awesome. Maybe some day... :-)

August 15, 2008 at 8:46 PM  

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