So there I was with a great big grin on my face and a wine glass full of sparkling cider in my hand. I was excited. Excited because in all Ryan and my relationship we have never kissed at the stroke of midnight to ring in the new year, and I knew in my heart that 2008 was our year. I know it's stupid but every year something comes up, we get busy and miss it or whatever, but this year was different. This year we were at home playing games with some friends, everyone had been fed and taken care of, the babies were asleep, and I was getting my kiss dang it. 11:58 pm getting close. winding down. 11:59 pm puckering up, counting down the seconds 11:59 AND 25 SECONDS......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Connnor had woken up to do a little ringing of his own. I ran back to his room picked him up and claimed the best new years kiss I can remember. Best of all it came from a boy that I adore more than life itself. I am constantly reminded that although life may not go as I want it to go or plan it to go, it usually works out in more beautiful ways then I could wish for in the end. And for those of you who are concerned that the romance in our life has fizzled don't worry. Ryan says "2009 is our year!" I'll be waiting until then.