Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Hating Must End!

I have, of late, been catching a lot of flack from you people because I have become a lazy blogger. So through all of your hateful comments, I have seen the error in my ways and have decided to come back to the fold.. As promised, here are some of the Uzelac's more exciting exploits from the past few months...

Connor, the genius took his first steps at 9 months old!
We had a beautiful new cousin. Kaylie and Connor are bonkers about sweet baby Gigi. She is the most gorgeous and precious baby girl. It's been so much fun to see Tiana and JC being parents. They're so natural. Tiana is the best little mom. I love it, and we love Georgia!
After a lot of convincing, Ryan finally agreed to let Kaylie get her ears pierced prior to her reaching the all important age of accountibility. It's not like it's a tatoo dad! Kaylie was a champ. She thought about crying for a split second until she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirrior to which she exclaimed, "ooooh I'm lillifutt (beautiful)". And indeeed she was particularly lillifut that afternoon. I'm so proud that at such a young age kaylie understands that sometimes one must endure pain for beauty.
We've also partaken in several wholesome family activities. For instance...
Connor's taken up Golf. Kaylie dables up a variety of extreme sports.

We've been daredevils at Lagoon

Had Slurpies at the Lot with Dad

We've again been been recognized as "The year's best looking family" by our nudest colony!

We've had a blast at parades

Uzelac Family Hand Stand Contest 2008. I won.
Maybe next year Kaylie!

Kept Cool with Baby J at the Gateway

Water aerobics with cousin Casey

Connor finally started pulling his weight around here as he started his career at the car lot.

Kaylie has been working tirelessly training to become the perfect mormon mom.

And... We've found it entertaining to intimidate the neighbors and anyone who hence forth makes nasty comments about our lax blog activity..."do you feel lucky punk? Well...Do ya?"